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Getting Naked in the Garden

We are coming to the end of another year, and for me, this is a great time to take out the garbage. Get rid of some of the old stuff, and look back on what I learned, what’s different, what I care about now. Today is the solstice, the darkest day of the year, and my favourite day, because it signals that light’s going to have to come back.

I’ll be teaching lots over the holiday season, including on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve, so come rock out with me (or chill out with me) and get through this holiday stuff. My schedule is here.

I’ll be in Seattle this February, doing two Creative Flow workshops at Maya Whole Health, so come check that out with me. More info to come!


In the meantime, read this article from elephant journal on getting naked in the garden and how we are all really just Adam and Eve screwing it up over and over again (and how that’s a good thing):



Yoga: Exercise your Bullshit Detector

My latest post on Spirituality and Health magazine, on why we need to work on our bullshit detectors, and my personal interpretation of Brahmacharya:



In other news, my Creative Flow workshop is coming up! Learn to use yoga to spark your creative brain and get writing!



And see Events to learn about my Vinyasa Yoga Teacher training coming up this January! We’ll be doing math. (seriously. Sort of.)


Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training with Julie Peters

Want to learn how to teach effective and creative yoga sequences–on the fly? Want to learn how to hold space as a teacher, and lead your students through an energetic wave that feels a lot like listening to a story? What about how to put together an effective playlist, or weave your theme throughout your class? What about teaching advanced poses in stages so everyone in the room can access what you are trying to teach?

In this 20 hour Vinyasa teacher training, we will learn all these tools to teach a beautiful, safe, creative, and fun class. This training grows from a 4-hour sequencing training I did this summer that was a blast–here we will get deeper into sequencing theory and really get into the meat of the “asana math” so you can really understand how to teach a flow. We will learn about holding space, effective languaging and vocabulary, and even how to put a good playlist together.

Join me this March 2012!

March 11-14th

Sunday to Wednesday

Sunday 1:30-5:00

Monday to Wednesday: 9-11:30 and 1:30-4:30

Email [email protected] with any questions.


Preregister here:

Creative Flow–Writing and Yoga!

There is an awesome new book coming out this month called the Poetry of Yoga, and it will feature such celebyogis as Shiva Rea, Michael Stone, Seane Corn, and yup, yours truly.

photo by christophprevost.com

In part to celebrate that, I’m hosting a Creative Flow workshop at Highgate YYOGA in Burnaby, BC, where we will practice yoga, do some writing, read some poetry, I’ll perform for you, and Karma Yoga Clothes will be there with a gift for everyone! And the books will make great Christmas gifts. Just sayin’.

Learn more about the theory of how yoga and poetry can intersect with my recent article here: http://www.elephantjournal.com/2011/11/how-yoga-can-make-you-a-better-artist-hangover-optional/

And here are the workshop details:

Sunday December 11th, 1:30-4:00pm
Highgate YYOGA, 315-7155 Kingsway, Burnaby BC
Preregister online: http://www.yyoga.ca/programs-and-workshops/workshops-and-events/creative-flow-the-poetry-of-yoga-with-julie-peters/

New Website Launched

Hey, welcome to my new website! Chris Gilpin has been helping me make it way prettier. Over the next little while, it will be so new and improved that every time you look at it your whole day will be better.

Coming up soon: on November 10th, I’ll be at Tongues of Fire in Victoria, BC, doing a set of new and used poetry. I would really, really like to see you there. Here’s a poster:

Change is good–including to this website

Hey folks!

This website is currently undergoing scrutiny and revamping by the terribly talented Chris Gilpin.

It will be pretty and interesting and you will love it when it’s done. But in the meantime, I think you should consider ‘liking’ my Facebook page, facebook.com/juliejcp, where I post my most recent articles, snippets of poetry from Hafiz and Rumi, videos of myself doing poetry, and news on East Side Yoga Studio and my various teacher trainings, workshops, and the rest of it. So you can let Facebook do the work for you.

If you are a tweeter, you can get some of the same stuff plus 140 character stories on Fridays from me at @JulieJCP.

See you in the interweb!

peace, love, unicorns, always,


Crocodiles, elephants, and a whale of a tale

I’m shocked and awed that my most recent article, published on elephantjournal.com, has received over 37,000 views at last count. This article is about the beauty in the breakdown: how being stuck on your floor crying in a pile, lost, uncertain, and fearful, is potentially the best thing that’s ever happened to you. I’ve had so many personal messages come through this article, and I think it must say something good about the world that folks read it, sent it to their friends and brothers and moms and on and on. This article is about the pain of being human, about hope when everything sucks, and I think it’s pretty awesome that so many people chose this over, say, Brangelina’s latest bowel movement. We must be getting better as a species. We are evolving, and it’s a beautiful thing.

I’d love for you to read it here.

I should say, I wrote this article when I was already going through a bit of a rough time, and THEN i got hit by a car. Having added injury to insult, I’m laid up at home, unable to teach or practice (much, yet) with a hurt knee and a broken heart, so it’s given me a lot of warm fuzzies to talk to so many people and hear how they are choosing, now, to start changing their stories of insult and injury and turning it into connection and hope and kicking ass on the back of a crocodile (read the article to get that joke!)

And I really miss my students/teachers. I’d love to see you this Saturday at Highgate YYOGA in Burnaby BC to learn about Yin Yoga and the Poetry of the Body. We’ll be going deep into a physical meditation to learn about the stories we’ve been holding onto in our bodies and how we can start to tease them out and create space to tell newer, more interesting, juicier stories about our lives and our bodies. Bring a journal!

Learn more here, and preregister for this event here.

In the meantime, do go to my facebook page, facebook.com/juliejcp, and you will be able to hear/read two new poems and get a bunch of other stuff so it’s more like I’m hanging out with you and less like I’m sitting on my couch icing my knee and eating chocolate ice cream.

See you soon lovelies!

peace, love and unicorns,


The Goddess of being Always Broken: Akhilandeshvari

Hey everyone,

A lot of you have been asking for more information about the goddess that teaches us how being broken can actually be a good thing. I’d love for you to read my article about it on elephantjournal.com and send it on to your friends.


I hope you like it!

peace, love, and unicorns,


Poetry workshop, Yin Yoga workshop, Vinyasa Training: summer!

Hey everyone!

Summer brings news of things, floods of things, yoga, poetry, a new season, who knows what else.

In case you haven’t already seen it, my latest article on elephant journal is called Why Yoga Can’t Fix Your Broken Life, and it’s true, trust me. Life breaks, but it’s going to be okay. Read it here.

And we just had our first East Side OmFest this past weekend–almost 30 aumers showed up and created a sea of aum for 45 minutes. It was seriously one of the most magical things that’s ever happened to me. I stayed for Tara’s Yin class afterwards and it was ridiculous–after savasana I starting laughing like a maniac, and then crying. Who needs drugs when you have yoga? Seriously. Look out for the next one of those real soon.

Next weekend, May 28th, we are having our first East Van Poetry Salon with RC Weslowski and the Wet Dream Catcher. RC will be debuting his one man show and I’ll be doing a few poems on the theme of shame and the body. 8pm at East Side Yoga Studio, everyone welcome to come discuss the show, the poetry, and whatever else.

On June 18th I’ll be teaching a Yin Yoga workshop at Highgate YYOGA that I am really excited about. We will approach the entire practice as a meditation with lots of silence and focus on the body. We will become still enough to listen to the stories our bodies want to tell us, and we will have an opportunity to write them down at the end of the practice. This will be a good one: it’s only $30, and you can preregister for it here.

Then on July 23rd and 24th, I’ll be teaching a 4 hour Teacher Training on the art and science of sequencing Vinyasa Yoga. I’ll be teaching several Secrets of Sequencing on the first day, rules of thumb you can use to teach creatively, safely, and on the fly. Day two will look at how to sequence your classes like you were telling a story and put all the basics from Day One into a beautiful and fun Vinyasa class.
$80 for the full workshop.
More information and preregister here: http://eastsideyogastudio.com/studio/Events.html

That’s a lot, isn’t it? I’ll do my best to keep you updated. For more faster more faster:



Poetry <3 Yoga: Monthly Poetry Workshops at ESYS

Hey everyone!

I just came off of a wonderful week at the Vancouver International Poetry Festival where I attended workshops, listened to lots of poetry, and competed in the Canadian Individual Poetry Slam. It was a pretty fantastic week overall, with lots of poets from around Canada and the States, and it was such a pleasure to get the community together (that’s always the best part, really!). Thanks to Vancouver Poetry House for al your wonderful organizational amazingness.

East Side was a really solid part of the festival: we hosted several workshops and offered lots of coupons for yoga to the festival attendees. It feels good to be bringing these two great loves of my life together to meet and hang out.

I’m really excited to be offering a new addition to the East Side space through poetry. I’ve been thinking about how useful and interesting it is to get spoken word performers together to do workshops: talk about the craft of writing and performing and share useful tips and tricks to improve the work you do. I’ve found it immensely helpful, and I want more of it in my life!

So I’ve decided to implement monthly (ish) community spoken word workshops at East Side. On Saturday nights at 8pm, we will get the folks together with a different facilitator and topic each time. I’d like for various members of the community to rotate hosting the workshop (and that facilitator shares the proceeds with the studio. Interested yet?)

Our first workshop will be a performance and discussion with RC Weslowski on his new one-man show the Wet Dream Catcher. Over the next few months, I’ll be hosting a Creative Flow workshops on how yoga can help to spark creativity and help to write from the body, and Chris Gilpin will be setting up some workshops on the history of slam and orality from the perspective of spoken word rather than the written word.

If you’d like to be notified of these workshops when they come up, or even host one yourself, then subscribe to the googlegroup:

Poetry Salon

Visit this group

and/or join the facebook group:

Sweet, see you there!

love Julie